Horse Racing Games
What are Horse Racing games?
As it is completely obvious from the name, it is everything about horse races. However, this subgenre of online free games is added vastly by what is not pure horse racing but have horses as helpers to the main hero or just their carriers. For instance, there is such a game as ‘Silver Arrow’, where a player must run through endless obstacles hitting enemies in a meanwhile and collecting power-ups. It is only enough to hit one obstacle to fall off the horse and restart all over.
Thus, in a word, horse races are not actually always about racing, it is about any game that uses a horse-like creature as a moving power. Such a creature can be a unicorn, horse-shaped rocket, donkey, pony, zebra, and even a pig. Some game manufacturers even make the horse the main hero – for instance, in the game ‘Skate Horses’ – horse riding on a skateboard and looking close to people outwardly.
Some of them are carriers for bandits – like in the online free game ‘Most Wanted Bandito’. But the most part is exactly what you expect – running through and jumping over obstacles to win the track or hit another record in the distance. There aren’t always developments of your rider between the levels but your competitors may become stronger, so easy level 1 is a deceptive thing.
Features of free online Horse Racing games
- many controls and, as a consequence, much attention is required to play
- as speed is almost always involved, a fast reaction is a must and it is trained very swiftly
- short-term planning is sometimes involved as, for instance, in circle racing, a horse has too little power to run in the same high pace to the very end and you have to distribute your power-ups through level wisely.
Fun with online free Horse Racing games
Fun is about this type of games, definitely. However, it is more about planning and your reaction. Not all of these playthings allow the development, so you will have to start over and over again many times. Well, for time killing – it is exactly the good stuff.