Bike Racing is another name of the Motorcycle and Motocross categories. It’s just people across various countries do not always use the term ‘motorcycle’ to name their bike or ‘motocross’ to describe the biking show. That’s why we had to factually copy the games including motorcycles into this category of games, only calling it differently. So, here, you are able to find the same diversity of bike racing online games as in the other two: in graphics, plot, essence, colors, reality, presence of famous heroes, etc.
But that’s not a 100% copy-paste. As you know, ‘bike’ also refers to ‘bicycle’. That is a wheeled device to propel yourself effectively in space, moving on the surface of the planet by using the force of your legs through the rotation of pedals connected to a gear. Although it has two wheels the same as a bike does (at least, when we talk about normal models), a lot of other things in their design are different.
To add even more diversity here, the term ‘bike’ is occasionally given to a wheeled device called a scooter. That’s a scooter, not a motorcycle or bicycle, and there is a lot of confusion (which will continue until people will keep calling one as another). Anyway, before this confusion is not over, we did include scooters in bike racing free games.
Most commonly, when this or that bike racing game online is about action, not a jigsaw or drawing, it is about these:
• riding for speed
• getting away from foes or pursuers
• avoiding obstacles and dangers on a track
• doing stunts
• trying to stay on the track without overturning
• endless riding for gamers-perfectionists.
The riding surfaces vary, basically including all types of possible surfaces, which exist on our planet (including water, dirt, asphalt, high hills, ice, snow, sand, and artificial decks), excluding only something that’s really impossible to ride at, like volcanic lava, as an example.