With the online free planet games, you can feel like an explorer of planets of the Universe! Not only our good old Earth is presented in this web catalog but also other planets, which people would like to reach but did not do so (yet). Humans have physically been on Moon only so far (as of 2022 AD) but Moon is not a planet, it is the Earth’s natural satellite. The closest real opportunity for people to be on a planet other than Earth is visiting Mars — there are numerous plans of various scientists and humanity movers such as Elon Musk to go there in the 2020s or 2030s. Although it is a hard task and an insane amount of practical problems must be solved to make a human foot step on Mars, it is believed to be generally feasible (although many naysayers disbelieve that). And this is a huge option to really explore our Solar System and start expanding to other planets beyond our Sun’s system. People really must do so if we would like to diversify the chances of our survival as a species on a large scale in the Universe. Because our native planet will soon be exhausted in natural resources and in order to keep on existing on the life scale of the Universe, expansion and proliferation are the only choices.
Yet, while this opportunity of reaching other planets lies in the future perspective, you already now can explore other planets by playing our free planet games. Not all of them are real but, given the immense possibilities of just our galaxy, there are billions of planets exist out there, and there is a non-zero chance that some of them look exactly the same as shown in our freely playable planet games.
During your brave exploration, you’ll receive a chance to fly in rockets, match planets by their appearance, create planetary networks, escape various dangers on hard-to-survive planets, and even do a tower defense, saving yourself from the attacks of hordes of otherworldly monsters (which are surely somewhere out there).